5th Shukuma Mzansi! SA-EU Dialogue: Democracy in Culture II 

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4-6 October 2022

In Urban Month, Sibikwa Arts Centre hosts the 5th Shukuma Mzansi! SA-EU Dialogue Democracy in Culture II in partnership with the SA-EU Strategic Partnership – The Dialogue Facility, Department of Cooperative Governance (DCOG), Department of Sports, Arts and Culture (DSAC), South African Local Government Association (SALGA) and South African Cities Network (SACN) and EU partner countries: France, Flanders, Ireland and Italy. 

The 3-day hybrid conference, offering presentations and workshops, will provide a platform for South African and European government officials and community and academic stakeholders to explore approaches and mechanisms to achieve cultural place making and policy integration and implementation at local municipality level. Proposing a Cultural Charter for South African Cities, within an ‘all of society’ approach, for adoption by local governments the conference offers a set of cultural aspirations to inform the strategic integration of culture for Integrated Small Town and Sustainable Urban Development, it will explore the benefits and mechanisms for creative and cultural place making at municipal level. 

On the success of the previous 4 Shukuma Mzansi! SA-EU Dialogues, initiated in 2017, the 5th instalment takes forward relationships formed, and recommendations made for a final actionable approach for culturally integrated, inclusive and sustainable municipal policy and practice, drawing attention to the ways in which democracy can thrive when citizens are fully, freely and safely able to access and participate in cultural, social and political processes and structures. 

Access to the live stream of the morning plenaries is free.