Advance the Arts with Sibikwa
Advance the Arts with Sibikwa
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When you support the Sibikwa Arts Centre, you help us leverage the arts for advancement – advancement of talented individuals, communities and a country in need of upliftment and inspiration.
Sibikwa Arts Centre is a Non–Profit Organisation (NPO 022-834) and a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO 130000222).
Did you know that these donations are tax-deductible? We can issue Section 18A tax certificates for donations of R150.00 and over. Please email us on if you would like a Section 18A tax certificate.
The incredible support of Sibikwa’s corporate and parastatal funders allows us to continue providing opportunities for upliftment and purposeful creativity.
The Benefits of a Sibikwa Sponsorship:
- Tax incentives (S18A tax certificates)
- BBBEE Skills Development points
- Corporate branding rights
- Impactful CSI spend
Partnerships are a collaborative hub that allows us to forge collective thinking and action. Often, many artistic and social ideas and dreams grow better when articulated through meaningful partnerships that are an investment not only in communities but also into artists who are custodians of our stories. At Sibikwa, we pride ourselves in building the kind of partnerships that are mutually-beneficial, impactful and meaningful in their quest to promote and preserve our heritage, culture and traditions. We also know that effective change is almost impossible without sector collaborations, cross-industry partnerships and business cooperation and strive to foster a diverse network of partners in a transformative creative, cultural, social and economic ecosystem.
Sibikwa recognizes that arts and culture are powerful tools to engage communities at various levels of change. We believe in the value of voluntary activity as an important expression of citizenship. We acknowledge that volunteers play a vital role within our organization and take responsibility for ensuring that volunteers are appropriately involved, valued for their contribution and respected as colleagues. People interested in volunteering at Sibikwa must be fully aware and in agreement that they are offering themselves for a defined service or undertaking and committing their time and energy for the benefit of society, freely and by choice without concern for financial gain.